FNAF Shooter

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Do you remember the terrible adventures of a night guard in the Freddy’s pizzeria? He had to face weird toys and remain alive. This time, you will again meet these crazy animatronics. But now the location has changed somewhat – the place takes you to the supermarket. Your hero did not plan his time correctly and was wandering around the place for too long. Finally, he discovers that it is closed and he is locked inside. It seems nobody can help him, and he will have to wait till morning. But do not worry – you will not be bored as the most interesting events are just approaching.

Freddy’s Pizzeria

As soon as the night came, you will discover that you are not alone here. And you will be shocked to find out who else is there. These are animatronics the place use to attract more customers! Their transformation is, unfortunately for the worse – they became aggressive and evil. They will kill you without hesitation if they find out about your existence. So you need to survive. Luckily, you will find a lot of weapons that you can continuously upgrade and fight all your enemies. But you will have to continuously remain on the alert – the antagonist may pop up literally from nowhere and attack you. So be the first to open fire and neutralize everyone that appears on the horizon. The gameplay may seem not to be overloaded with the events, but it will not allow you to get bored either. You will be active from the very first moments and until the end. So start this shooting adventure and make sure you eliminate every suspicious creature on your way. You will love every minute that you played!

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